Sunday, September 26, 2010

Naughty turkeys

These two are first on the list if you know what I mean. I think we are going to have 8 extra toms, out of 19 birds total, to process. I thought I'd have a hard time sending them off to the axe, but the boys are starting to fight and they are downright viscious with each other. They got after one poor rooster and bloodied the wall with him. He survived the encounter but his hackles are matted with blood. When the male turkeys fight with each other they will try to grab a fleshy part of their opponent like the snood or carbuncles on his neck and latch on. Not nice! The truth of the matter is, the farm only needs one male of each breed at the most, less than that if you AI, and any more is problematic. I wonder if that says something about human society at all :)

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