Monday, September 27, 2010

Speckles and Spunky

Last year's bottle calves are getting close to being 18 months old now. We will have them AIed in December to calve September 2011. We should be looking for a total of four calves: two from them, one from Anabel and a hereford from Pistol. The jerseys are all gender select and should have girls. Hopefully the hereford calf will be a bull and he'll be our freezer beef. The semen for her will come from our vet who raises herefords. It will be interesting to see how it matures because Pistol has seemed slow to catch up in size to the jerseys. We also have two Dexters. I will have the adult AIed and sell all three together next spring. I decided the maximum adult cows for our acreage will probably be four if we don't want to wear out our pastures. Unfortunately our three horses are eating machines 24/7.



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