Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shots for goats

Finally vaccinated all the does with Lutalyse. The bucks broke through a fence about two weeks ago and got in with them. I don't think the youngest three does were affected, but I gave it to all the girls just in case. We don't want them breeding too young, we don't want winter babies, and we don't want to cross breed with closely related bucks and does. I hope the drug is effective. It's main purpose is to bring on ovulation, but it is supposed to cause abortion in a pregnant animal. (It did NOT work with our Jersey Anabel who was supposed to be 6 weeks pregnant from the AI process and ended up being 4 months pregnant at her check on 9/3/2009. Fortunately it does not affect the baby if the pregnancy holds.) Pregnant women are not supposed to handle this drug at all.

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