Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tomato report

Yellow Pear is huge with lots of green tomatoes, Rolf Red Heart is a wimpy plant with only 1 tomato....but did have setback with hornworm. Green Zebra is large but zippo blooms and fruit, Golden Jubilee is less than 4 foot with no fruit, Eva Purple Ball has no blooms or fruit, Juliet is over 8 foot tall and very vigorous but NO tomatoes, La Roma has no fruit and Viva Italia has 2. Supersweet 100 has fruit, red grape and red currant tomatoes have healthy big plants, no fruit, but all 3 were hit by hornworm. Cherokee Purple and Brandywine went in later and have the longest number of days to maturity, but no blooms yet.

The temperatures have been unseasonably cool with highs only reaching the 80s today, whereas the previous two weeks have been rainy with temps in the 70s and lows in the lower 60s and high NO excuses for dropped blooms!

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