Thursday, September 24, 2009

Harvesting green beans

These are Contender beans that were planted on 9/25. This was the third picking, I picked a brown grocery sack full which represents about half of the harvest, and they were probably a little on the large size. I pulled up the entire plant at this stage. About 10% were too little to be of use, and about another 10% were no good with some kind of orange rust and were wilty. We've had a lot of rain, and the leaves were full of holes. I've seen both black crickets and the occasional grasshopper, but no bug holes in the beans to speak of.

Paul and I were trying to estimate how much it would take to feed our family of six for the year. To give a serving of one cup each three times a week, we were thinking we'd need to plant a 200ft row. That is five times what we had this year.

I also have a 40ft row of Blue Lake that isn't ready yet, but which is not looking good. I also have a 30 ft row of Kentucky Wonder pole beans, and I'm curious what the production will be like. Also if it will be less susceptible to the rust since the beans won't be resting on the ground. I know they will be easier to pick!

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