Thursday, March 26, 2009

7:30pm. I didn't have my phone to blog this evening so no picture. I got 8lbs 5 oz in 10 minutes for 5 scoops of grain. It wasn't near long enough between milkings and I'm sure there will be an overload tomorrow morning. I made cheese for the first time at home and it turned out very well. We used the mozzarella on spaghetti and meatballs this evening. I also made a tiny bit of ricotta from the whey and I seasoned it to make a cracker spread. We will try that tomorrow. I also started a double batch of No Knead Bread that I found on the web that originated in the New York Times. It may be no knead, but it has to sit for 12-18 hours! I made it with the whey. Interesting thing is that you use a dutch oven to give it a crusty exterior...I can't wait to try it. We've had violent spring weather tonight, but fortunately it has almost all gone north of us. I'm wondering if we'll hear about tornado damage in the morning.

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