Sunday, March 29, 2009

10:38p milked for 10 minutes and got 11.5 lbs. Have used the Dynamint cream a couple of days now, and not sure I'm seeing a difference. Although it was a day for relaxation, I did have a customer come out to visit the Dexters. It was worth my time and trouble because he bought two of the cows. Interesting enough, he breeds miniatures for the MBBRA. That stands for the Miniature Bucking Bull Riding Association. I also was contacted by a woman who had bought from me last year, and who now wants to buy all the Saanen does I have for sale. It was nice talking to her about our shared interest in the dairy goats and dairy cows. Along with the beautiful, warm sunny weather...this made for a nice day. Our family went out for Sushi to celebrate eldest daughter Bethany winning first place in state for a Latin competition. That was terrific news.

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