Monday, October 4, 2010

Upon being a caretaker

This is the last day for these two Dexter steers. They got their last meal this morning and Paul and I will load them in the trailer tomorrow morning and drive them to Muenster. Today they are enjoying the warm sun. To some it may seem harsh to eat animals. I think they are here for that purpose, but that we have responsibility as caretakers to make sure that they are fed and well sheltered. I don't think they should be kept in crowded, unclean, or disease ridden conditions. I don't think they should be hit, zapped or harassed in a way they makes them feel fear or anxiety. I raise them to be processed in pairs because they are herd animals and don't like to be alone. If possible I would have them killed and processed on the farm as they do in some eastern states, so that they wouldn't have the anxiety of being loaded into a trailer and traveling to a new place. I take them at the last minute possible so they don't have to overnight at the abbatoir. I raise the best, healthiest animals for my family to eat and I take good care of them and don't abuse them. Know where your food comes from and how it is raised. That is each individual's responsibility and not the responsibility of the government, stores or farms.

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