Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter is here!

Jessie and I got the firewood stacked yesterday, so we were ready. Lots of rain all night long. Snow this morning after 6am. Muddy, wet and miserably cold.....that's winter in Texas! The goats are loving the newly enclosed barn, and it makes me much happier to know that they have nice shelter. That solves some of our farm problems, but not all. Lately, I have consistently seen two coyotes every morning when I go out to feed. Most certainly our chicken slayers who are looking for easy pickings. Yesterday when I spotted them near the barn, I went out to confront them and they were very bold and not easily frightened. I have been shopping around for a new 22 rifle, but the 22 250 is not cheap. We do have an older Remington 22 550-1 which I am going to take to the gunsmith and have him check it out.

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