Monday, January 17, 2011

Test results

Not happy at all. I got the pregnancy test results back today, and we only had one out of six goats that was pregnant. Bad statistics for sure. When we did the AI in the first place, we followed the instructions for the CIDR implants and shots exactly. BUT when we actually did the AI-ing, I took notes of what stage of estrus the goats appeared to be in by looking at the visual clues such as color and position of the cervix, mucus, and also the does' behavior around the bucks. I would have guessed that Maybird would have been the one that took, but I would have been wrong. And I thought that Mary would have had a good shot since we gave up trying to AI her and put her in with a buck. But no, it was Maggie the senior doe who had a positive test result. Go figure!!!

So back to the drawing board. I have a nitro tank now. I need to drive down to Midlothian this weekend to pick up straws from a goat friend, and I also have to order a gun, speculum and light before I can start all over again. I have got to hurry too because the goats will stop cycling in the next month or so. Sigh...

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