Friday, April 23, 2010

Got the nicest note from the Sherman Community Garden folks for the talk I did on intensive vegetable gardening last Tuesday night. They were a smart group and they are doing some great gardening on Maxey St. I think community gardening offers a wonderful opportunity for people to learn how to grow there own food. Check it out at


Greenfoot said...

I wish more folks could hear you speak. You have rekindled my hope for chickens, rabbits, or a goat in my backyard. The little plastic goat that was given to me by my wife simply does not satisfy! BTW any ideas on beekeeping on the cheap?

Trudy said...

Beekeeping on the cheap...well I'd look for some used equipment maybe on Craig's list. The boxes aren't that expensive, but you'd need a veil and gloves and a smoker. If you didn't want to pay the $70-$100 start up price for the bees you could try capturing a swarm. Time for that should be coming up pretty soon and into the early summer. Email me at to continue to the conversation.