Monday, March 1, 2010

Seed starting day

It's a little late, but I got my tomatoes and peppers started today. I'm still waiting on a couple of varieties that haven't been delivered yet. This year I am trying:

Cherokee Purple - large 12 oz, dusty rose colored, extremely sweet, productive.
Hillbilly Potato Leaf - 4-6" flattened fruits 1lb each, beautiful yellow striped with red.
Nyagous - black, baseball size, blemish free, excellent flavor, clusters up to 6 fruits, very prolific.
Crnkovic Yugoslavian - large beefsteak, smooth shoulders, doesn't crack, great full tomato flavor, productive.
Box Car Willie - heavy yields 10 oz fruit, old fashioned flavor, crack resistant, disease resistant.
Rutgers - heavy yields 7 oz fruit, very flavorful, excellent for sauce, paste and processin.
Opalka - 3x5" sets of fruit, excellent fresh flavor, very few seeds, holds on the vine well, wispy vigorous vines.
Yellow Pear -
Black Cherry - Huge clusters 1"round, deep purple, mahogany-brown cherry tomatoes. Complex, full flavor.
Sungold - heavy yields golden yellow, one of the sweetest tasting cherries.
JetStar - high yields, medium red tomato, mild flavor, early maturer.

*Better Boy - high yield, smooth, large flavorful. 1/2 to 1lb each. Deep red and meaty.
*Beefsteak - huge 4-5", delicious, ribbed fruit.

Jimmy Nardello Italian Pepper
Red Cheese Pepper

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