Friday, February 26, 2010

Fruit tree order

Lovely weather for planting fruit trees! (Actually cold, rainy and miserable). Received 9 trees today from Sanhedrin Nursery in CA. Experimenting with fruit that requires more chill hours. Found that most varieties recommended for our area need much less than the 800 to 1000 hours we get here. That would lead to much earlier bud break and loss to frost.

Apricots - Canadian White Blenheim on Myro 29C, Harcot and Tomcot on St. Julien

Pear - Harrow Delight, Potomac and Warren all on OHxF333 (semi-dwarf)

Plum/Prune - Blue Damson on Marianna 26-24, Early Italian and Bavay's Green Gage on St. Julien

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