Saturday, February 27, 2010

Excellent playing Savannah! !` Won that last match 8 to 6 for 1st place consolation.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fruit tree order

Lovely weather for planting fruit trees! (Actually cold, rainy and miserable). Received 9 trees today from Sanhedrin Nursery in CA. Experimenting with fruit that requires more chill hours. Found that most varieties recommended for our area need much less than the 800 to 1000 hours we get here. That would lead to much earlier bud break and loss to frost.

Apricots - Canadian White Blenheim on Myro 29C, Harcot and Tomcot on St. Julien

Pear - Harrow Delight, Potomac and Warren all on OHxF333 (semi-dwarf)

Plum/Prune - Blue Damson on Marianna 26-24, Early Italian and Bavay's Green Gage on St. Julien

Saturday, February 20, 2010

At the Dallas World Aquarium with the kidd to celebrate Nate's birthday.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Planted 140 Lancelot leeks and 120 onions with reluctant youngest daughter Jessie.

Checking myself out in the bathroom mirror before going on at KXII. Already nervous and have about a 50 minute wait.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mairead's new baby

Red Dexter heifer calf. She must have been born early this morning because she was still wet when I saw her. She was 24inches around the girth and a liftable weight of approximately 50lbs or so.

Anabel's baby

Seem to be doing well in all the snow

7.5 inches this morning

Friday, February 5, 2010

Skittle is getting close to kidding.

Anabel's baby was born this morning! She is a girl, the third in a row, and 27 inches girth behind the front shoulders.

Anabel with new baby girl. Fan-C-King (red Dexter) is the father.

Mairead is close to calving too.

This a personal reminder to myself to be VERY careful in the future when making candy, to use a spoon with a looooong handle, and to ALWAYS keep a big bottle of Aloe with Lidocaine around because it totally cut the pain.

First 2010 baby!

Baby with Anabel this morning

Rainy pattern continuing into 2010

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

From last Thurs and Fri. Expecting another deluge this Thurs. We are flooded and have been since early last fall.