Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And still raining this morning

I am wondering if we are going to qualify for any rain records this October! I could hear the seasonal creek to our north boundary, roaring as soon as I went to check out my garden. Closer investigation of the ravine in the back revealed thousands of gallons draining off the fields. Truly amazing. I heard the storms hit in the early morning hours and I immediately started worrying about the two middle kids driving to cross-country before school while it was stormy and dark. I got up earlier than usual, 6ish, to give them their marching orders. Drive careful, drive slow, take my truck (gasp), and text me as soon as you arrive. Stormy weather is much more stressful when you are a parent... and a farmer. All the livestock is covered in mud and I'm struggling to keep them out of standing water. The areas they traverse around the barns and gates are not navigational. Its a mess!

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