Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We lost Holly yesterday. After the second shot on Thursday she had shown some improvement, but it was short lived and the shot on Sunday didn't seem to have an affect at all. She would look for us when we came into the barn and appeared to like the head rubs. We fed her twice a day with the tube feeder which she didn't seem to mind, and frequently offered her water. We kept her in clean shavings, with two fans blowing on her, and sprayed to keep the flies off. She never seemed to be in pain or even uncomfortable. She peacefully died quietly in the late afternoon. We wrapped her in a crisp white sheet, and Paul buried her underneath some trees in the back pasture.

Unfortunately I now know that it was preventable had I been a little more experienced, and had a little more knowledge. I tried to treat the diarrhea myself for too long, and should have pressed the vet sooner for a different treatment. I now know to preventively use Corid from the start, even if they test negative for coccidiosis, and to get medical intervention and antibiotics much sooner. Separate quarters and quarantine will also be part of the new protocol.

Gosh, I hate learning the hard way. I have always said that I hate a "mystery", such as when our spotted black Nubian doe died for no apparent reason, or when the twin kids were born so sick - but now I find it equally sad and discouraging that Holly died because of my lack of experience.

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