Friday, March 21, 2008

Planted transplants today

13 tomato plants: 2 each of Yellow Pear, Sweet 100 Cherry, Amish Paste, Juliet, Marglobe, Caspian Pink and 1 Jubilee. Planted 7 peppers: sweet banana, poblano, and 5 different color bells. The garden should be very fertile from the 4 inches of shavings and manure from the horse stalls that I put in last fall. Last weekend Jess and I mounded it up into 4 foot rows and put in three 16 foot cattle panels, leaned at a 60 degree angles and propped up by thick bamboo poles. Jess planted 48 ft of Sugar Snap peas, (Mon March 17th), on the south side of the panel in the shade of the house, and the tomatos and peppers went in on the other side.

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