Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Garlic and onion beds. I've been surprised how nice the soil is after the fall garden. I don't plan to work it all except to rake it a little.

Planted 2 sets, 128, red onions. Have 2 sets of yellow left to plant still. Weather supposed to turn bad on Thursday. Think Anabel will calve tonight.

The barred rock layers got their first free range adventure today

Planting french grey shallots finally....supposed to go in last fall with the garlic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hanna, Stolle and Jessie at the arena

Hannah and Butcher, Jessie and Te....he's such a good western horse, look at how low his head is!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Planted 36 rasberries: Reveille, Lauren Red, Prelude and Nova Red. All early fruiting to hopefully miss hot Texas summers.